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/ Best of Battle Games / Best of Battle Games.iso / sea / galleons / clsgal10.zip

Jump To: Audio (3)  |  Font (3)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (19)

Audio & Music (3)
FX1.SND Creative Voice 1s 9KB 1993-12-05
FX2.SND Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1993-12-05
FX3.SND Creative Voice 1s 8KB 1993-12-05

Fonts (3)
NamePreview NamePreview

Dynamic Publisher Font

1987-03-30 (4KB)

Dynamic Publisher Font

1988-06-03 (4KB)

Dynamic Publisher Font

1987-03-30 (4KB)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 6 192b 1993-12-13
FIREANIM.CL1 Text File 54 43KB 1993-07-26
GALLEONS.DOC Text File 102 3KB 1993-12-13
HIGHSCOR.DAT Text File 1 85b 1993-12-09
OPTIONS.CL1 Text File 20 28KB 1993-07-26
REGISTER.FRM Text File 41 2KB 1993-12-13

Other Files (19)
GAME.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 132KB 1993-12-13
BACKGRD.CL1 Unknown 50KB 1993-07-26
BACKGRD.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-08
CONTANIM.CL1 Unknown 23KB 1993-07-26
FIREANIM.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-08
GALL1.SND Unknown 25KB 1993-07-23
INTRO.CL1 Unknown 17KB 1993-07-26
INTRO.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-04
INTRO2.CL1 Unknown 9KB 1993-07-26
INTRO3.CL1 Unknown 21KB 1993-07-26
MENUBACK.CL1 Unknown 51KB 1993-07-26
MENUBACK.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-25
OFFANIM.BLD Unknown 64KB 1993-05-26
OPTIONS.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-06-21
SHIP1.CL1 Unknown 13KB 1993-07-26
SHIP1.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-08
SHIP2.CL1 Unknown 14KB 1993-07-26
SHIP2.PLT Unknown 777b 1993-04-08
SINKANIM.STR Unknown 64KB 1993-07-30